Products within the Shipping Suite

DTN is working to continue to add Help Content for all our Shipping products listed below. As we complete each product, you will see it added to the Green Menu Bar as well as the Solutions Drop Down at the top of the page.


SPOS Onboard – Shore based with high value, consultancy and support by master mariners and oceanographic experts. Click here for more information on SPOS.

Shipping API’s

Vessel Routing API – Weather optimized routing – embedded within the user workflow. Has high value features for efficient and effective voyage planning. Click here for more information on the Vessel Routing API.

Vessel Insights API – Continuously updated operational data, to be used for a wide range of analytical and vessel performance related use cases. Click here for more information on the Vessel Insights API.

Vessel Analytics API – Enhanced analytical use cases on top of Vessel Insights and Vessel Routing. Click here for more information on the Vessel Analytics API.

Marine Weather API – Advanced and accurate marine and atmospheric forecasting suite. Click here for more information on the Marine Weather API.

RouteGuard – Shore based route advice and consultancy. Click here for more information on RouteGuard.

FleetGuard Services

FleetGuard – Data quality control and managing follow-up actions to create a full view on the vessel’s historical events, allowing further data analysis.

FleetGuard Enterprise Portal – A web-based fleet management platform providing onshore crew with the essential fleet information and fleet optimization tools to confidently make weather dependent forecasts.

Click here for more information on the FleetGuard Services.