SPOS has the option to collect the weather updates you have selected in the Weather Subscription dialogue and patches to the software, automatically from DTN servers. The files are downloaded when you press ‘Update Forecast’, or at program start up and/or selected time intervals (to be configured via Update Options).

SPOS uses standard http port 80 / https port 443. It will connect to;

  • data.spos.eu – – for the weather updates
  • api.routeguard.eu – – for patches to the software

To test the connection, copy/paste this into a browser address bar:

For weather updates:

http://data.spos.eu/sposdataservlet/sposdataservlet?VER=89000&RED=615&VES=2866&AR=11&EXT=1&HC=1&RES=150&FC=216&SEC=9B09-AB9F-6FFC-F192-32D5-9F91-EB8D-7E43&DTG=2020040206 HTTP/1.1


https://data.spos.eu/sposdataservlet/sposdataservlet?VER=89000&RED=615&VES=2866&AR=11&EXT=1&HC=1&RES=150&FC=216&SEC=9B09-AB9F-6FFC-F192-32D5-9F91-EB8D-7E43&DTG=2020040206 HTTP/1.1

Result: Will download the SPOS_11.SPS update file

For patch server:



Result: Will display a web page with latest version, e.g. “9.3.2”

For whitelisting purposes, we prefer you register the URL. While we do not foresee a change in the IP addresses, these could change over time.

Category: Getting StartedTags: