Release V1.603


  • Route calculation fail in some cases when using speed limit zones for variable speed. This has now been fixed.

Release V1.611

New + Improved

  • New Authorization and authentication provider is supported.


  • The ETAs suggested when original ETA is unobtainable in variable speed routing are now correct
  • The simulate route endpoint now uses and report the correct version in the responses.

Release V1.622


  • Now the values (min, max and average) reported are describing the weather from the previous point to the current like the rest of the summaries.
  • Minor additions to the documentation pages.

Release V1.627


  • Updated the auth audience in the documentation for users who are using DTN’s Identity Auth Service to connect as identity provider.

Release V1.634

New + Improved

  • Added local traffic restriction, by using the ports given in a new voyage object. Using the given ports, vessel will be routed around or through the right areas that are only meant for local traffic.


  • Improved performance of routing search.

Release V1.638


  • Automatic disconnection of existing connection with authentication token is expired.


  • Fixed routing error related to ice concentration weather limits

Release V1.643

New + Improved

  • Allow for arbitrary points as port locations in the voyage object. On top of the port id from the ports end-point, an arbitrary location can be given as port location. This will be used to detect whether a vessel is allowed to pass local traffic restricted areas.


  • October 2022 Route network update

Release V1.662

New + Improved

  • Forecasted voyage CII Score now available in the output in case CII parameters are provide.


  • Improved generated routes in Variable Speed endpoint


  • Fixed unoptimized route being generated along Suez Canal
  • Updated the support email in the API’s specifications page. Documentation also now contains information about the different fuel types used when within and outside SECA zones

Release V1.668


  • December 2022 route network update

Release V1.678


  • Updated documentation to discuss scope of total distance in summary section of Routing API response.


  • Additional request parameter validation in case of CII calculation

Release V1.689

New + Improved

  • ETA in local time is now reported in the response as well.


  • February 2023 Route network update

Release V1.693

New + Improved

  • ECA entry & exit point has been explicitly added as additional soft waypoint


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