DTN can provide {client_id} and {client_secret} which can be used to get tokens to access all the relevant APIs (Vessel Insights API, Vessel Insights Subscription API & Insert Noon API) or tokens which provide access to a limited set of above mentioned APIs. This is to facilitate user management on the customer side where customer
Getting Started
5. How does it work?
The Vessel Insights is a GraphQL API where you authenticate with OAuth. The response format is typically JSON. Vessel Insights API package consists of following APIs: Shipping Auth0 API: Can be used to request access token Vessel Insights Subscription API : Can be used to subscribe & unsubscribe vessels to Vessel Insights API Insert Noon API : Can be used to
4. Available Queries
Vessel Insights is a GraphQL API. This means that we are able to develop dedicated queries for specific use cases of our customers. Currently, following queries are available in Vessel Insights API. Query Use Case getAllEvents Get continous quality check vessel performance relevant data from multiple sources (ais, noon report, weather, digital twin model) along
1. Introduction
DTN Vessel Insights API provides quality checked datasets & vessel performance analysis results for any vessel performance monitoring, voyage management, commercial intelligence or supply chain analytics dashboard. Vessel Insights API is an all-in-one data solution that collects, collates, and delivers every relevant piece of operational data at the fleet or vessel level. It seamlessly integrates
3. Technical documentation
We have a developer portal for all technical information related to our API’s. The technical information for VIA can be found here.
2. Email with credentials
An email with credentials for access to the API will be sent to the requested persons. In this email instructions are given to access the API. Has no email been received? Pleased contact [email protected]
1. Introduction
WeatherFactor is using the Vessel Routing API to calculate routes based on historical analysis weather data. WeatherFactor API estimates the duration and fuel consumption of future voyages, based on historical simulations. It simulates the traders requested voyage using a vessel digital twin model, 20 years of historical analysis weather data. The outcome includes statistical confidence
Technical Documentation
For additional information on the Vessel Routing API, please visit our developer portal found here
Email with Credentials
You will receive an email with credentials for access to the API. This email will also include instructions on how to access it. If you haven’t received your email, pleased contact [email protected].
1. Types of Services
The DTN FleetGuard suite builds on decades of experience in fleet monitoring, weather forecasting and severe weather. The suite includes: FleetGuard Enterprise: Portal with access to SPOS and RouteGuard products. Access to a vast amount of DTN shipping data for vessel and fleet performance. This Academy page will focus on the following services: FG Service