2. Reporting

Position reports (normally sent daily at noon, hence the name) contain a standardized set of data relevant to a vessel, including: Voyage details Position details Observed weather details Remaining bunkers on board and respective consumption The information can be used to: Track the vessel’s position Create route advice Assess the performance of the vessel and

3. Process Flow

The following noon reporting flow applies.  DTN will configure the EasyNoon and sends it to the Captain Captain completes and emails the EasyNoon report noon update: With filling in the EasyNoon report there are built- in sanity checks If the completed EasyNoon report passes the built-in sanity checks, it can be emailed to DTN. If not, Captain

5. Service Level Agreement

The following SLAs apply to the FleetGuard services: Reply within 2 hours at incoming email (requests) Twice a week a manual check on voyage data, in combination with a sanity check on system generated alerts on data received DPI is delivered within 2 hours after local noon Post Voyage Analysis Report is delivered within 2 working days after voyage completion

4. Deliverables in FleetGuard Process Explained

DTN Route Advice Click here to open a .pdf that will explain all the benefits and elements of the DTN route advice Daily Performance Indicator (DPI) A Daily Performance Indicator (DPI) provides a daily performance indication based on the noon report data provided. It is created automatically and contains, for example, loss in time, loss

2. Input Service

Order form Routing service can be requested preferably by the online Order Form . In case it is needed, there is a .PDF form available via our Shipping Operations Team. This to make sure our DTN Shipping Operations team has all information to set up the voyage to prevent any unnecessary delays. Any additional information

3. Weather Limits

First and foremost, our priority will always be to keep vessel and crew safe when we provide a routing service. The following standard weather limits are used (but can be changed either on customer and voyage specific level). The standard weather limits are not strict limits and the Shipping Operations team may deviate from the

4. Vessel Models

DTN collaborated with MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands) to create vessel models for approximately 50 different vessel (sub) classes. These models include speed loss curves and wind and wave added resistance tables. DTN’s weather optimized routing algorithm uses these models to predict speed loss under the influence of wind and waves. Additionally, clients can provide

5. Service Deliverables and Service Level Agreement

Service deliverables Services that can be expected for all routing optimizations, in following order : Confirmation of service to master when receiving route request with clear instructions on type of service Validation of ETD Initial route advice 8-12 hours before ETD Daily update (optimizing) route advice (with fixed speed) until end of voyage. Route update is

6. Deliverables in Routing Process Explained

DTN Route Advice Click here to open a .pdf that will explain all the benefits and elements of the DTN route advice Daily Performance Indicator (DPI) A Daily Performance Indicator (DPI) provides a daily performance indication based on the noon report data provided. It is created automatically and contains, for example, loss in time, loss

7. Noon Reporting

Noon reports (normally sent daily at noon, hence the name) contain a standardized set of data relevant to a vessel, including: Voyage details Position details Observed weather details Remaining bunkers on board and respective consumptions The information can be used to: Track the vessel’s position Create route advices Assess the performance of the vessel and