Service deliverables
Services that can be expected for all routing optimizations, in following order :
- Confirmation of service to master when receiving route request with clear instructions on type of service
- Validation of ETD
- Initial route advice 8-12 hours before ETD
- Daily update (optimizing) route advice (with fixed speed) until end of voyage. Route update is done based on last known (AIS or noon) position of vessel.
- In case of optimum speed routing the route advice gives 1 optimum speed (SICW) within speed range provided by the customer.
- Monitoring during voyage
- Our route analysts will monitor the vessels that are under service. Dependent of the situation and to their insight, contact is established with the master to verify the intentions of the vessel. If necessary, the case will be escalated to the operators. Most common items are:
- Significant Route Deviation
- Speed Deviation
- Unattainable ETA
- Heavy Weather
- If a vessel gets in heavy weather, the Shipping Operations team will monitor the vessel more frequently for safety.
- Our route analysts will monitor the vessels that are under service. Dependent of the situation and to their insight, contact is established with the master to verify the intentions of the vessel. If necessary, the case will be escalated to the operators. Most common items are:
- Closing of voyage service
- Availability team 24/7/365 via [email protected] and/or by phone +31 (0)20 8082 980
- Escalation Procedure
- As also mentioned in above service deliverables, our route analysts will monitor the vessels under service. Dependent of situation and to their insight, they will use an escalation procedure in case quick contact is needed with master or operator.
- Most common items to think of are route deviation, speed deviations, unattainable ETA and heavy weather.
Service Level Agreement
The following SLAs apply to the RouteGuard services:
- Reply within 2 hours at incoming email (requests)
- Initial Route Advice is delivered 8 to 12 hours before the voyage is due to start. The respective ETD is provided by whoever orders the Route Advice (for example, operator) but checked with Master.
- Route Advice update is delivered within 2 hours after local noon
- Post Voyage Analysis Report is delivered within 2 working days after voyage completion (receipt arrival report)
- Contra Post Voyage Analysis Report is delivered within 10 working days after receival request and receival of input data.