Conditional Areas

Conditional areas can be set on default or voyage specific level. A limited number of no go areas are enabled by default. The most common areas are already added in the API and can be found here. This way you can find the area ID which can be inserted included in requests.  In a voyage


DTN uses a RouteNetwork (in partnership with ChartWorld). The Route Network is a worldwide network of waypoints and leg-lines; it provides for tracks within Restricted Routing Areas and allows to implement own routing and optimization strategies in Unrestricted Routing Areas. Diverse Data Sources: It leverages a variety of sources: Bathymetry Charts Sailing Directions NavAreaWarnings T&P Notices

How come my route results shows ‘zig zag’ lines?

In this case it will probably the result of weather limits that have been set to ‘avoid’ instead of ‘warn’. It is likely that these limitations, especially when multiple limitations are set as a hard ‘avoid’ and limitations on especially beam waves, swell and wind. This can trigger the algorithm to ‘zigzag’, to avoid those

What result do I get when choosing the ‘ignore route network’?

If you request a route with all ‘ignore route network’ flags, no weather optimization is done and a ‘rumb-line’ route is created between the waypoints.               Our advice (for true weather optimization) is to not use the “ignore route network”-flags during the long ocean crossings and only supply a departure and destination.

Am I able to set a vertex restriction?

Yes you are, you can find this under ‘restrictions’. Although you can specify a vertex restriction for the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere, currently only the most restrictive one is applied for both north and south, our internal team is working on creating a separation of these items.

Release Notes for V1.715 – V1.722

Release V1.715 Enhancements: Improved routing logic in shallow waters, preventing unwanted u-turns. Release V1.718 Fixes: Fixed edge cases that resulted in an 500 Error on Route Request Better handling of Ice Concentration (Arctic Ice) data Release V1.722 New + Improved New V2 of the Vessel Routing API created to prepare for some changes that are

Release Notes for V1.603 – V1.693

Release V1.603 Fixes: Route calculation fail in some cases when using speed limit zones for variable speed. This has now been fixed. Release V1.611 New + Improved New Authorization and authentication provider is supported. Fixes: The ETAs suggested when original ETA is unobtainable in variable speed routing are now correct The simulate route endpoint now

Release Notes for V1.50 – V1.599

Release V1.5 New + Improved Vertical Clearance Restriction. Routing will consider clearance under bridges in case airdraft is provided. Also includes and addition to the documentation with a new Restrictions section, describing the different restrictions being supported by the routing API Enhancements: January 2022 Route Network Release V1.511 New + Improved Depth Restrictions are now

Release Notes for V1.0 – V1.497

Release V1.0 New + Improved The initial version of the Vessel Routing API that will be available in the market. The changes in this release contain an additional endpoint – Recommended Speed, and other important updates after the Beta version. Enhancements: Client authorization is enabled to secure all endpoints Client reconnect message is now broadcasted

How can the outcome of the route result be different than expected when optimizing?

This can differ due to multiple variables, but in general take into account: At cost optimization, the route generated from the API is the most cost-efficient route as requested by the client, which is not necessarily the shortest.In these cases the result from the API is the most cost optimum option, despite being somewhat longer, taking