Why is there no Wave Direction as part of the route response?

Waves always travel in the same direction that the wind is blowing. The elements used by the API with “Wave” in their naming pertain to wind waves, so you can infer that wind direction = wave direction as well with no further calculation required.

Implementation Advice by DTN

Our advice for true weather optimization is to only supply a departure (start) and destination (end) point for best optimization results. If only the departure (start) and destination (end) is provided, the algorithm will fully optimize the route.  Provide accurate beam, LOA, and draft measurements of the vessel For safe and correct navigation output, it’s

How do I know when the vessel is going too close towards land?

At shallow waters a route network is being used to navigate safely towards the harbor and berth. At open ocean (depending on the calculation type) weather optimization is applied. Based on the weather conditions, this could mean that the route will take advantage of more near-shore routes to avoid e.g. heavy waves.

How do I set a restriction for high risk (piracy) areas?

Make sure that the “conditionalAreas“ are set within the “restrictions“ when providing a route request towards DTN. With the “conditionalAreas” you can control if specific high risk (piracy) areas needs to be avoided. This custom area has to go in an array under restrictions.conditionalAreas.customAreas.

Vessel Routing API Implementation

Introduction Below is a short example of how to implement the Vessel Routing API. This example is written for Node.js, but can easily be translated into other programming languages. The complete API specification can be found here. Technical Description To use the Vessel Routing API, you will take the following steps: Request a JWT access

Getting Started with Vessel Routing API

Email with credentials You will receive an email with credentials for access to the API. This email will also include instructions on how to access it. If you haven’t received your email, pleased contact [email protected]. Technical documentation For additional information on the Vessel Routing API, please visit our developer portal found here.