Vessel Insights is a GraphQL API. This means that we are able to develop dedicated queries for specific use cases of our customers. Currently, following queries are available in Vessel Insights API.

Query Use Case
getAllEvents Get continous quality check vessel performance relevant data from multiple sources (ais, noon report, weather, digital twin model) along the vessel’s track.
trackSummary Generate voyage & performance summaries for any vessel in the entire merchant fleet (calculations use a library of vessel performance models)
noonSummary Generate voyage & performance summaries for your own fleet (calculations use quality checked noon report data)
trackCii Monitor CII ratings for any vessel in the entire merchant fleet. Can be used to estimate Voyage CII, YTD CII, Year End CII, CP Attained CII, Delivery Attained CII, etc. (calculations use a library of vessel perfomance models)
noonCii Monitor CII ratings for any vessel in your own fleet. Can be used to estimate Voyage CII, YTD CII, Year End CII, CP Attained CII, Delivery Attained CII, etc. (calculations use quality checked noon report data)
getEvent Get data for a single noon or AIS event


To access the data through the Vessel Insights API, you will need to execute one of these GraphQL queries. You can execute any query (according to the granted permissions) using a single API endpoint. The structure of the response will match the structure of the query. We continue to develop more queries to support various vessel performance related use cases. In coming months, you can expect to see dedicated queries for post voyage analysis reports (PVARs), hull cleaning decision support etc.

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