New Features
Inserting delayed noon reports:
For all the vessels subscribed to the Vessel Insights API, calculations are done once every day at 0 UTC. These calculations cover the ships timeline from – 48 to – 24 hours. When the calculations are finished, this data is added to the cloud storage and can be accessed by customers using Vessel Insights API endpoints. If a noon report comes to DTN with a delay, i.e. with a report date which is earlier than the standard calculation time range of – 48 to – 24 hours, this noon report data and the analysis data from neighbouring noon reports is immediately available via the Vessel Insights API. This is done to allow customers to insert old noon reports into Vessel Insights API.
Updating or Overwriting noon reports:
If the customer sends a noon report which has a Report Date and Type (SOSP, EOSP etc.) that matches an existing noon report (for the same IMO number), the new noon report will overwrite the exiting noon report. The noon to noon analysis from the previous and next noon report will be redone using the new noon report data. This is done to allow customers to update their noon reports in Vessel Insights API.
Handling noon reports that indicate change in report type at the same report date:
If the customer sends a noon report which has a Report Date that matches an existing noon report but the Report Type (SOSP, EOSP etc.) is different (for the same IMO number), the new noon report will be available in VIA together with the exiting noon report. There will be no noon to noon analysis done between these two noon reports. The noon to noon analysis from the next noon report will be redone using the new noon report data. This is done to facilitate that customers can close an existing voyage and start a new voyage (or analysis) at the same time in Vessel Insights API.
Inserting noon reports via an API endpoint:
Customers can now send noon reports to DTN via an API endpoint (called Insert Noon API). Once inserted, these noon reports will be available in Vessel Insights API. If a customer is using Routeguard or Fleetguard, they can also use the Insert Noon API to insert noon reports. When a noon report is inserted via Insert Noon API, it first goes through extensive data validation which basically checks if the data entered is as per the allowed range. If any validation fails, noon report is not accepted, and the customer is notified in the API response. Technical documentation of Insert Noon API is available here:
Normalized AIS track is now used in Vessel Insights API:
Normalized AIS track is now used in Vessel Insights API with position available at every 15 mins. This was needed as using the raw AIS track results in a lot of erroneous calculations (for speed, weather effect, fuel consumption etc.). Raw AIS positions can often be erroneous or very close to each other and often data accuracy is not sufficient for these calculations. The normalized track is created on the fly by using data science techniques and by filtering out outliers in the raw AIS data. Some examples of raw and normalized track are shown in image below.
Vessel Insights Subscription Checking
A customer can now only access AIS based analysis data from Vessel Insights API for the ships that they are subscribed to.
Insert Noon API enum to identify source of noon reports
In Vessel Insights API, there is a variable that identifies the format in which the noon report was submitted by the customer (Veslink, Easynoon etc.). An Insert Noon API enum was added here to identify if a noon report is inserted using the api endpoint.
Milliseconds in the Vessel Insights query is now optional
A customer can now use date time with or without milliseconds in a Vessel Insights API query.
Update emission factors to be in line with IMO recommendations
The emission factors used in Vessel Insights API to calculate CO2 emissions from the fuel consumption data was updated for various fuel types. They are now aligned with IMO recommendations.
Bug Fixes
Fix response of the Vessel Insights Subscription API
User can get a list of vessels that are currently subscribed to their Vessel Insights account using Vessel Insights Subscription API. This list also contains the date on which these vessels were subscribed. In Vessel Insights 3.0, there was a bug due to which incorrect dates were returned. This bug was fixed and now customers can check the correct dates on which their vessels were subscribed to Vessel Insights API.