Release V1.0

New + Improved

The initial version of the Vessel Routing API that will be available in the market. The changes in this release contain an additional endpoint – Recommended Speed, and other important updates after the Beta version.


  • Client authorization is enabled to secure all endpoints
  • Client reconnect message is now broadcasted in case a connection is timed-out, so this message can be fetched client-side and a re-connection can be established.
  • DTN vanity domain name applied
  • DTN standard response status codes are applied.
  • Route Network Update for August 2021

Release V1.411

New + Improved

  • Responses are now broadcasted to all open connections per client credentials. Before this, responses were sent back to all open connections per customer.
  • Custom model documentation improvements to better explain how the Vessel Routing API is dealing with custom vessel specific digital twins.
  • Adding restrictions to account for vessel type / class restrictions.


  • Logging improvements


  • In case of internal AWS failures, the request is now retried to mitigate service interruptions.

Release V1.423

New + Improved

  • New endpoint is available that provides visibility into the version of the Route Network that is deployed.
  • New “conditional areas” endpoint is available that provides predefined No-Go areas as well as SECA zones that can be used in the route requests.


  • Revised alert for missing weather data, so the alter is more accurate and specific
    • Route Network Update for September 2021


  • Fix calculation of time spend in SECA zone while a delay is being applied on a waypoint.

Release V1.442

New + Improved

  • Weather elements in the response are extended with minimum and maximum values encountered over the last leg. Previously it only contained an average value.
  • Extended documentation about sending responses per client credentials.


  • Route Network Update for October 2021


  • Fix issue which could lead that a response is not being sent to client right away.

Release V1.459

New + Improved

  • “Variable speed’ endpoint is being added.
  • An area id from the “conditional areas” endpoint can now be provided at the request to trigger a no-go area
  • Draft restrictions are now being accounted for when a draft is being provided.
  • Cargo Type, Gross Tonnage and Vessel dimensions Restrictions are now being applied when these values are being provided into the request.


  • Route crossing traffic lanes are now properly handled.

Release V1.491

New + Improved

  • Version of the Vessel Routing API is now included in the response


  • Updated documentation for clarification around used Significant Wave Height and Mean Wave Period


  • Fixed behaviour where the algorithm was shortcutting through legs with one-way direction
  • Fixed currents representation in route response. The currents were displayed in meteorological convention, but common way is using nautical convention.
  • Documentation request/response example is being updated.
  • Validation for the port field (LOCODE) is now being applied.
  • Minimum and maximum visibility values are being swapped, this has been corrected.

Release V1.497


  • Improved the documentation around Fuel Optimization and the usage of fuel curves


  • Added API Version also in the Running Response


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